Army Knife (author: Greger Wedel)
Help message for commands that only work in the bot 1:1 room.
App Management
- Use /init to authorize the app so that all commands work.
- Use /delete DELETENOW to delete your Army Knife account, this room, and all data associated with this account.
- Use /keydelete <keyname to delete an Army Knife account key (NOTE! May break your account, so use with caution).
- Use /subscription to get information on your subscription or to subscribe.
- Use /subscription cancel to cancel an active subscription.
- Use /disable to temporarily disable the Army Knife account.
- Use /enable to enable the Army Knife account.
- Use /support <message> to send a message to support.
- Use /me to get info about your Army Knife account.
- Use /recommend <email> <message> to send a message to another user and recommend Army Knife.
- Use /nomentionalert to turn off 1:1 bot room alerts on mentions.
- Use /mentionalert to turn on (default) 1:1 bot room alerts on mentions.
- Use /noroomalert to turn off 1:1 bot room alerts on new rooms.
- Use /roomalert to turn on (default) 1:1 bot room alerts on new rooms.
- Use /noannouncements to turn off announcements about Army Knife.
- Use /announcements to turn on (default) announcements about Army Knife.
- Use /app googlemail to create a new link for notifications from a Google mail account.
- Use /noapp googlemail to delete notifications from a Google mail account.
Todo/Followup List (aliases /followup and /fu)
- Use /todo Todo item… to set a new todo item.
- Use /todo to list your todo items.
- Use /done x to delete todo item x.
- Use /todo clear to clear your todo list.
- Use /todo reminder on HH:MM|off to set a daily reminder at HH:MM UTC.
Top of Mind List (alias /tom)
- Use /topofmind <index> Top of mind thing … to list and set your top of mind list (shortcut /tom).
- Use /topofmind clear to clear your top of mind list.
- Use /topofmind title <Title of list> to set the title of your top of mind list.
- Use /topofmind reminder on|off to set or stop a daily reminder of your list at this time.
- Use /box <rootfolder> to add a Box account to Army Knife. Optionally specify the folder where all Army Knife Box folders will be created.
- Use /nobox to disconnect and delete the Box service.
Room management
- Use /countrooms to get the number of group rooms you are a member of.
- Use /checkmember <email|name> to get a list of rooms that email or name is a member of.
- Use /deletemember <email> <room-id,room-id…> to delete a user from a room or list of rooms (use Cisco Webex Teams Id from e.g. /checkmember or /listroom).
- Use /deletemember <email> FORCE count to delete a user from ALL shared rooms.
- Use /addmember <email> <room-id,room-id…> to add a user to a room or list of rooms (use Cisco Webex Teams Id from e.g. /checkmember or /listroom).
- Use /manageteam add|remove|list|delete <team_name> <email(s)> where emails are comma-separated. The team can also be initialized from members in a room, see /team command below.
- Use /manageteam list to list all teams.
- Use /track <email> <nickname> to track messages live from a person/VIP.
- Use /track [store|live] to either store messages (use /get) or track live (default).
- Use /trackers to list tracked emails.
- Use /get <nickname> to get a list of all messages since last time for that person (and /get all to get from all tracked people).
- Use /untrack <email> to stop tracking a person.
- Use /autoreply <your_message> to send auto-reply message to all @mentions and direct messages (markdown is supported).
- Use /noautoreply to turn off auto-reply.
- Use /pins to get a list of pinned messages and reminders set with /pin command.
Advanced Cisco Webex Teams Commands
- Use /listwebhooks to see all webhooks registered by integrations on your account.
- Use /deletewebhook <webhookid> to delete a specific webhook from /listwebhooks (CAREFUL!!)
- Use /cleanwebhooks to delete absolutely ALL webhooks registered for your account, not only for the Army Knife (USE WITH CAUTION!)
Help message for commands that can be used in any room:
Todo/Followup List (aliases /followup and /fu)
- Use /todo [x] to set a new todo item based on the message x back, default is 1.
Top of Mind List (alias /tom)
- Use @mention /topofmind (shortcut /tom) to list somebody’s top of mind list.
- Use /topofmind (shortcut /tom) in a 1:1 room to list that person’s top of mind list.
- Use /topofmind subscribe in a 1:1 room to subscribe to that person’s top of mind list.
- Use /topofmind unsubscribe in a 1:1 room to unsubscribe to that person’s top of mind list.
Room Utility Commands
- Use /copyroom <New Title> to create a new room with the same members as the one you are in.
- Use /makepublic to get a URL people can use to add themselves to a room.
- Use /makeprivate to disable this URL again and make the room private.
- Use /listroom to get a list of all room data for a 1:1 or group room.
- Use /listfiles to get a list of all files in a 1:1 or group room.
- Use /listmembers to get a list of all members of the current room printed in your 1:1 Army Knife bot room. /listmembers csv creates a comma separated list of email addresses.
- Use: /team link|init|add|remove|verify|sync <team_name> to initialise a new team from members in the room (init) or link the team to the (always current) members in a room, and then add, remove, or synchronize the team with another room’s members. Use verify to get a list of differences.
- Use /boxfolder <foldername> in a group room to create a new Box folder and add all the room members as editors to the folder. Optionally specify the name of the folder to create (the room name is used default).
- Use /noboxfolder to disconnect the Box folder from the room (the folder is not deleted on Box).
- Use /pin or /pin <x> to pin the previous message in a room (or the message x messages back). The pinned message will be listed in your 1:1 Army Knife room.
- Use /pin <x> +<a>[m|h|d|w], to create a reminder for a message some time a into the future. E.g. /pin 3 +2h, where m = minutes, h = hours, d = days, w = weeks
- Use /pin 0 +<a>[m|h|d|w] <My message> to set a reminder with no reference to a message, e.g. /pin 0 +2h Time to leave!